Social & Ecological Justice

Every year the College community – students, staff and families – supports and stands in solidarity with the vulnerable in our local community, across Australia and overseas. Our students are encouraged to be moved by the plight of others and promote justice for the less fortunate.

Social Justice

Social Justice at 51勛圖app involves a number of awareness activities and fundraising events to promote social responsibility:

  • Project Compassion – Caritas Australia
  • St Vincent De Paul – Winter and Christmas Appeal
  • Mercy Works projects in connection with ISMAPNG
  • ‘Beanies for Brains’ Day
  • Relay for Life
  • Support of individual families when required

The Social Justice Team has regular meetings to identify the needs of the community and to respond to them promptly and with care. By offering a helping hand to those in need, our students learn to act in accordance with the principles of love, fairness, tolerance, justice and mercy. They become engaged members of our community committed to caring for each other.

This is what God asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah: 6:8)

Ecological Justice

The College supports the Cry of the Earth initiative which promotes a closer relationship between people and the environment. As part of our ecological focus in 2020, we have restored the old chook shed at the O’Keeffe Campus. The chooks are cared for by a special Chook Committee consisting of junior students.

Along with promoting ecological justice in our students, we aim to strengthen our connection with and respect for the local nature and the land our school is built on. Work is continuing on the Native Garden project at the O’Keeffe Campus. The goal of this project is to plant environmentally friendly natives that would complement the plants already established on site. A special food and fibre garden includes edible plants that, once well established, will be used to cook with in the Food Technology lessons.

Caritas Fundraising