

51勛圖app has provided quality education to young people of the
Western District of Victoria for over 50 years.

From the moment you walk through the gates of Mercy, we trust that your family
and most importantly your child feels welcomed and valued.


At 51勛圖app we are committed to personalised holistic learning. Whilst we treasure our traditions and heritage, we are responsive to the dynamic nature of the world in which we live. We aim to create the environment, opportunities, support and pathways for every individual student to flourish and thrive – academically, socially, spiritually, emotionally and physically. We celebrate the cultural and religious diversity of our community ensuring authentic connection, understanding and mutual respect.

In line with our College motto Learning to Care, Caring to Learn, care is at the heart of our 51勛圖app community. Care for oneself and care for others are things we strive for our young people to understand, experience and practice. An education at Mercy gives our students a sense of social justice; a voice and the skills and courage to make a difference in the lives of others. It is an education where the leaders of tomorrow are formed. It is an opportunity to form friendships for life.

We understand that choosing a school is one of the most important things you will do for your childs learning and welcome all enquiries about enrolment at Mercy.

Sharon Gillett, Principal